
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Good we do, Soothing the pain/need

Sometimes the good we do for others is really a way to mask the pain or need in oneself. It becomes a drug... good deeds that is! Yes, good deeds do something in us. It uplifts us, because we are made to be a blessing to others. And so this drug is like no other and it can become even worse than any other drug. We could miss eternity, because of this. We are made to live a purposeful life. Made for transformation. The only thing is that we so easily get stuck in a season or stage of our life. Something that's meant to take you to the next level, becomes a stumbling block. Maybe it's that friendship with someone that allows you to stay in a place of mediocrity (Instead of iron sharpening iron, you tell each other that it's okay to continue in the wrong lifestyle). Maybe it is that job that keeps you so busy and out of touch with what dreams and desires God placed in your heart, but you stay because it pays you well. Maybe it's watching television when you should be...